Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Aliens settle in San Francisco. Refugees call their new home "Little Mercury"

Vampires attack U.S. troops. Army of undead taking over mountains of Afganistan.

Hillary attacks Bill's secret lover... he forces Hillary into sex therapy.

Medical breakthrough lets dad be a mom! Man gives birth to a healthy baby boy

Man takes one look at this gal's figure - and dies! "I didn't do it on purpose," says busty showgirl.

Cigarets cured my cancer!

Bush on cocaine in white house
P.S. It looks like the truth :)

Merman caught inSouth Pacific! "There could be thousands of them down there"

Kitten guilty of murder! Sign petition inside or she dies!

Obama sex scandal explodes! Obama wants me dead for saying we were lovers.

Man's 174-mph sneeze blows wife's hair off.

Abraham Lincoln was a woman!

January 1, 2000 is this the end? The computer crash of the Millenium!

Alien backs Clinton! Space visitor tells Democrats how to rebuild U.S. economy!

Your doctor could be an Alien.

Worls's smartest ape goes to college.
9-month-old baby gets black belt in karate.

I kicked burning terrorist so hard in balls that I tore a tendom in my foot.

Hackers can turn your home computer into a bomb... and blow your family to smithereens!

Dick Cheney is a robot!

Terrorist plot to blow up internet on 1-11!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A new alternative use for book was found.

Printing books are being gradually supplanted by electronic ones, and sooner or later books risk to disappear absolutely. We can try to argue about it or we can agree to it, but we can't deny existence of such tendency.

But some designers think that it is not a problem, because they know for sure what to do with books! The main thing is imagination and every book could became a masterpiece. Here you will see a beautiful gallery of art compositions, sculptures and even furniture all made of books.

Thursday, October 9, 2008